A Chat with Floral Designer, Small-Batch Ceramics Artist, and Dog Mom, Rabab!

A Chat with Floral Designer, Small-Batch Ceramics Artist, and Dog Mom, Rabab!

Inspired by our newest color, Orchid, we sat down with @rababsomething—a floral designer, small-batch ceramics artist, and dog mom to Zaytoon.


Wild One: How did I get into ceramics and floral design?

Rabab: I took them up during my gap year while applying to medical school. After spending all my time studying, I wanted to do something creative, and then I realized that I was more passionate about them, so I switched career paths.


WO: What do I love most about working with flowers?

R: The possibilities are endless when it comes to floral design—each arrangement starts as a blank slate, and it’s a practice of accentuating the natural beauty of the flowers while using color to evoke certain feelings.


WO: Describe your flower arrangements in one word…

R: Whimsical


WO: Describe Zaytoon in one word…

R: Chaotic, but in a good way.


WO: My favorite activity to do with Zaytoon is…

R: Playing in the snow. You can tell he waits for the snow all year long, and then we can barely keep him inside during the Winter.


WO: If Zaytoon could pick up a human hobby, what would it be?

R: He always insists on going outside during the night, so I’m already convinced he’s an amateur stargazer.


WO: Does Zaytoon have any secret talents?

R: He’s bilingual, so he takes commands in English and Arabic, and I think he does a pretty good job at it.


WO: Favorite Wild One product?

R: The Orchid Harness. The fit on him is so comfortable and the color is perfect for something that loves Orchid flowers so much.

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