Morgan Jones Chats About The Positive Wellbeing Perks of Pet Parenting

Morgan Jones Chats About The Positive Wellbeing Perks of Pet Parenting

Morgan Jones is a full-time marketer, part-time fitness instructor, and new Dog Mom to Maui–a 2-year-old Australian Labradoodle. We sat down with Morgan to chat about how pet parenting has changed her life, including positively impacting her mental and physical wellbeing.


Wild One: Tell us about Maui! How did you two meet?

Morgan Jones: Maui is a 2-year-old Australian labradoodle, who I impulsively decided to get at the beginning of the pandemic. With the shelter-in-place mandate, it seemed like the perfect time to finally make the jump into the pet parenting world—and it was the best decision that I could have ever made!

WO: What has been your favorite part about being a dog mom so far?

MJ: Maui brings so much energy and happiness into my days – it’s hard not to smile when she’s around – which was particularly helpful during the early, uncertain days of the pandemic. On my worst days, I can really count on Maui to help lift my spirits by doing something quirky or cute.

WO: Have you always been a dog person or was this new to you?

MJ: I was born a dog person. My mom says that as a toddler, I would approach every dog that I saw, even the ones that were triple my size! Growing up, I wanted to be a vet because of my love for dogs—but that dream quickly changed when I realized that veterinarians had to treat ALL animals, not just dogs.

WO: Since Maui came into your life, how has she impacted your daily routine?

MJ: Daily movement is important, but it’s even more important to find a type of movement that works with your routine and lifestyle—so that it’s something you maintain and find enjoyable. Maui keeps me super active every day because we go on long walks around the lake near my house. It's something that Maui obviously loves, but it’s also become a part of my daily routine that I really look forward to.

WO: What is your favorite ways to get outdoors with Maui?

MJ: Maui LOVES to play fetch, she could seriously play for hours! We spend most of our weekends at the park—just me, Maui, and her favorite tennis ball.

WO: Does Maui have any special talents?

MJ: Maui is a BIG people person, especially with kids, and she has a unique talent for wiggling her way into group settings and party crashing. I remember one day, we stumbled across a children’s birthday party at our local park and we unintentionally stuck around for the entire celebration because the birthday boy loved Maui so much!


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