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Eat & Treat

The Best Organic Dog Treats Made With Love

Organic food has been a hot topic for a number of years for people. Eating organically has been shown to positively impact peopleโ€™s health by providing more energy throughout the day, helping with skin irritation and overall complexion, as well as boosting immune systems. With all these benefits, whatโ€™s not to love?

Well, what if we told you that you could provide the same kind of diet to your pet, too? Organic dog foods have been catching on recently, and so have dog treats!

If you want to give your pets the best treats available, read all of the benefits weโ€™ve gathered here and consider organic foods for your pup today!

The Benefits of an Organic Diet

There are a number of benefits to switching your pup to an entirely organic diet. This includes switching their food and their treats to organic options. Treats can often be overlooked, but weโ€™ve gathered reasons here as to why they shouldnโ€™t be!

Fewer Stomach Issues

Foods and treats that arenโ€™t organic are chock-full of ingredients that your pup wouldnโ€™t normally eat, which can lead to issues with their digestive tracts. When they eat something that their body isnโ€™t used to digesting, or in worse cases shouldnโ€™t be digesting, then they tend to get stomach discomfort.

This can lead to nausea, vomiting, and even diarrhea. An organic diet helps to prevent this from happening as often! Itโ€™s better overall for your pupโ€™s gut health.

Fewer Allergic Reactions and Skin Ailments

As a dog owner, you probably know that dogs have very sensitive stomachs. They can be allergic to anything and everything. While part of that may be stomach issues, another large part of it relates to the health of their skin, too.

One of the ways you can tell your pup is having an allergic reaction is itchy skin, and this can be caused by eating something that doesnโ€™t agree with them. Itโ€™s hard to nail down dog allergies, but an organic diet helps to prevent allergic reactions since theyโ€™re all natural recipes without additives.

Nutritional Improvement

Because organic foods and treats are natural, generally, theyโ€™re far more nutritious for your pup than comparable options that arenโ€™t organic. Organic foods often are made from simple ingredients that are easy to pronounce, so we know what our dogs are eating.

Additionally, they arenโ€™t made up of filler ingredients; every ingredient provides a nutritional benefit to your dog, unlike other foods and treats that arenโ€™t organic.

Quality of Life

Overall, the benefits from an organic diet lead to a better life for your pup in nearly all aspects. When your dog is eating foods that provide the right nutrition and that prevent other ailments, youโ€™ll begin to see them improve in nearly every way.

Theyโ€™ll have more energy, be happier, and will just seem to feel better overall. We want whatโ€™s best for our dogs, and an organic diet can provide that for them.

Organic Treats

Treats play a big part in our dogsโ€™ lives, and as such, should be considered with the same amount of care that their food is given. Generally speaking, there are a few factors we need to take into consideration when purchasing organic dog treats.

Certified Organic

If a treat claims to be organic, check the packaging for certification. Itโ€™s important that the certification comes from the USDA, as they have a rigorous, multistep process in order for foods and treats to become certified.

They require a plan and inspection and wonโ€™t allow for certification until all parts of the process fit their standards. Here are the steps required:

  1. Develop an organic system plan. This consists of how the grower will comply with organic regulations in every step of the operation.
  2. Implement the plan. Simply put, begin to use the plan and have it reviewed by a certifying agent to make sure everything is in compliance.
  3. Have your process inspected. This is the make-or-break step in the process. The operation will be inspected for compliance with organic food standards.
  4. Have the inspection reviewed. Once the inspector has provided their report, the certifying agent will review it.
  5. Receive judgment. After a period of time, the certifier will approve or deny the request to become a certified organic operation.

Following this process, which is quite involved, operations or farms will continue to be reviewed and inspected annually to maintain their certification.

Single or Minimal Ingredients

With organic treats, less is more. When youโ€™re looking for an organic treat, you want there to be as few ingredients as possible. This ensures that youโ€™re not getting any filler and that the food your pup is getting nutritious.

Simple Ingredients

Another ingredient-based step in choosing an organic treat is the simplicity of the ingredients listed. When looking at treats, the general rule of thumb is that you should be able to pronounce them. If you know what they are, itโ€™s likely that itโ€™s going to be better for your four-legged friends.

The exception to this rule is when the manufacturer goes out of their way to explain what the ingredient does. There are many organic, natural ingredients that may be more complex than you make them out to be due to their name.

Our Favorite Organic Treats

Weโ€™ve reviewed and determined our favorite organic treats on the market. Theyโ€™re up to snuff when it comes to our criteria, and pups love them, too! Below are listed examples of minimal-ingredient treats that come in a variety of flavors to choose from, depending on what your pup likes.

Wild One Organic Fruit Salad Treats

These are the best organic treats on the market, by far. Wild One has gone to great lengths and taken a good amount of time to make sure that their treats are nutritious and delicious for your pup.

The fruit salad flavor is a favorite of many pups and is made from USDA-certified organic ingredients, so you know your dog is only getting the best of the best.

The treats are made from just ten ingredients, and all but one are easily pronounced! The outlier is explained to be a preservative, but one that is naturally occurring and doesnโ€™t run the risk of harm. When you buy Wild One Organic Fruit Salad Treats, you know exactly what your dog is going to be eating.

Wild One makes their baked organic treats in a variety of flavors, so if the fruit salad isnโ€™t a hit with your four-legged friend, have no worries, thereโ€™s a flavor for you. Wild One offers both a PB&J flavor as well as a Veggie Burger flavor. Canโ€™t decide? Grab a sampler and let your pup tell you which one they like best!

Itโ€™s Time to Go Organic

An organic diet can really benefit your dogโ€™s overall health. When you make the switch to organic foods, itโ€™s important to not only switch your dogโ€™s everyday food but their treats as well.

When youโ€™re ready to make the switch, Wild One has you covered when it comes to organic treats. Theyโ€™re nutritious, delicious, and most importantly, theyโ€™re made with love! Get some for your pup today!


The Top 5 Benefits of Natural Organic Pet Food for Your Dog | Organic Authority

What Is Organic Dog Food? | PetMD

Organic 101: Five Steps to Organic Certification | United States Department of Agriculture

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