Essential Grooming Tips for a Happy, Healthy Dog


Essential Grooming Tips for a Happy, Healthy Dog

Written by Dr. Gabrielle Fadl, Director of Primary Care of Bond Vet.

Do you turn up your nose at your stinky dog (if that’s the case, our Rinseless Shampoo will be a lifesaver)? Doggie smells are one reasons to prioritize bath time—the benefits of dog grooming go far beyond just smelling good. A clean dog—and clean dog gear—protects your pup (and you!) from potential bacterial infections and sets the foundation for your dog’s overall health and well-being. 

Incorporate these grooming essentials into your dog’s routine for a cleaner, healthier dog and a cleaner home!

Dog Grooming Essentials That Prevent Bacteria 

🫧 Brushing

🫧 Baths & Gentle Pet Shampoo

🫧 Nail trimming

🫧 Ear cleaning (check out our Grooming Wipes!)

🫧 Dental care

These hygiene basics are essential for your dog’s health and preventing potential illnesses and medical complications. 

For example, when you brush your dog daily, you remove loose hair, dead skin cells, and knots in the fur. It’s also a chance to check your pup for ticks, fleas, or skin problems. As you know, “tick grass” serves as a bus stop where ticks can wait for their next ride. Tall grass can be everywhere, so it’s a good habit to check your pup for ticks after a stroll. 

Regular bathing and brushing also removes bacteria from your dog’s coat and paws, like E. coli, salmonella, and other bacteria breed in feces, contaminated food and water, and undercooked food. Some bacteria can even be passed from an infected animal to your dog—similar to how humans can pick up strep throat from being around an infected person—so your pup doesn’t have to roll around to pick up nasty bacteria.

But there’s no reason to panic, a little bit of bacteria exposure is normal! Plus, regular dog grooming can help keep bacteria growth balanced and rid your dog of potentially harmful germs.

PS. If you're in a pinch between bathtimes, Wild One’s Grooming Wipes are great for quickly removing dirt, odor, and bacteria from their paws and coat after walks outside.

Dog Gear Cleaning 

Of course, grooming shouldn’t stop with your dog—it should also include sanitizing their gear, since their dog harness, collar, and dog leash attract bacteria too!

Your puppy gear sanitation routine will vary based on the material of your dog’s gear. For fabric gear (like the Wild One Dog Harness!), you’ll want to wash them with warm water, liquid soap, and baking soda. You can soak them in a bucket and then scrub them with a toothbrush if they’re really dirty. Rinse well and air dry. If hand-washing isn’t your cup of tea, you can also toss the Wild One Dog Harness into your washing machine on the gentle cycle.

For dog gear that’s made of flexible poly nylon (like the Wild One Leash and Collar), you can easily wipe them clean with a little liquid soap and warm water,  and scrub them with a toothbrush if they’re really dirty. 

Don’t forget about cleaning your dog’s bowls! The National Sanitation Foundation says pet bowls are the fourth germiest thing in your home since your dog’s saliva is left behind after eating and drinking. Plastic and ceramic dog bowls are the worst for collecting bacteria because they can chip or be scratched, making a perfect breeding ground. If you can, opt for metal or stainless steel bowls instead which stay cleaner (check out Wild One's stainless steel Bowls!) Of course, regardless of the material, be sure wash your dog’s food and water bowls daily

"Pampering your pups isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity. Keeping your dog and their gear clean is the first step to well-being, ensuring their joyous journey is free from the discord of bacteria and dirt." - Dr. Gabrielle Fadl 

Now that you know these grooming essentials, you can help prevent bacterial infections and boost your dog’s health for years to come. A clean dog is a happy dog! 

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